This page describes how an admin can add new galleries or add to an existing gallery.

Adding New Galleries

  1. When a new person submits images, we need to create a gallery for them. Click on FooGallery on the left.
  2. Click on Add New Gallery.
  3. To be consistent with the other galleries, you want to change a few things.
  4. Thumbnail size should be 200×200
  5. Change Alignment to Left
  6. Lightbox = FooBox
  7. Change Theme to “Dark”
  8. Change the Border to “Thin”.
  9. All others can be left at default

To add a new gallery to the website:

  1. Click on Pages on the left.
  2. Choose the Arkansas Skies page and Edit with Text mode (not visual or using Cornerstone. You will have to click “Yes” to proceed out of Cornerstone).
  3. Each gallery is enclosed inside a DIV tag. Copy from [DIV]to[/DIV] and paste it where you want the new gallery to appear.
  4. The gallery itself is in brackets, so remove the old gallery tag. [foo gallery]
  5. Click on “Add FooGallery” at the top of the page. Choose one, and a new gallery tag will be inserted at the cursor.
  6. Change the title and description to suit.

To add images to a gallery:

  1. Save the image file to your computer. Ideally, you want to know the date and location the image was taken.
  2. Open the site using WordPress and select “Media” on the left.
  3. Add new image to the media library by selecting it from your computer.
  4. Edit the image and change the title to something friendly you want to show on the website.
  5. Under “Caption” add whatever text you want to have appear on the site, like date and location where the image was taken.
  6. Click on Foo Gallery on the left side of WordPress.
  7. Select the gallery where you want to add the new image.
  8. Under Gallery Items click on Add Media to choose a new image from the Media Library to add to the gallery.
  9. Click Update and the image you added will automatically be added to that person’s gallery and will appear on the site immediately.
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