Local Astronomy Clubs

Bentonville: Sugar Creek Astronomical Society

Coordinator: Paul W. Anderson .....facebook.com/groups/143382315673668/

Fort Smith: Arkansas-Oklahoma Astronomical Society

Coordinators: Andrew Hradesky and David Grosvold ..... http://www.aoas.org

Hot Springs Village Stargazers

Coordinator: Michael Allen ..... HSV Stargazers FaceBook

Little Rock: Central Arkansas Astronomical Society

Coordinator: Darrell Heath .....http://www.caasastro.org

Memphis: Memphis Astronomical Society

Coordinator: Richard Stratton Townley .....memphisastro.org

Mena: Acorn Jr. Science Club

Coordinators: Kathy Rusert and Dan Caron ..... [email protected]

North Central Astronomical Society (Harrison)

Coordinators: ..... NCAAstroSociety@gmail

Red River Astronomy Club (Texarkana)

Coordinator: Timothy Eason ..... Red River Astronomy FaceBook

Sugar Creek Astronomical Society (NW Arkansas)

Coordinator: Michael Allen ..... Sugar Creek FaceBook

Planetariums & Observatories with public events

University of Central Arkansas Planetarium & Observatory

Coordinator: Dr. Scott Austin ..... http://uca.edu/physics/planetarium/

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