Volunteer Positions

City Ranking Project - Coordinator

Project theory - This project is intended to promote Responsible Lighting Practices (RLPs) by bring the issues to the attention of the state’s twenty five largest cities and causing them to feel exposed to public scrutiny. Collaterally, to the extent that we can generate publicity for the project, it will serve to educate the public.

Project operation – The concept is to mail a survey out to the twenty five largest cities in the state asking them to describe their efforts to address light pollution. Responses would be used to rank the respondents. The results would be published on our website and distributed to appropriate media in hopes that it might get published. The program is worth doing even if we don’t succeed in the media effort as it will require each city to review its operations against the laundry list of action items set forth in the questionnaire.

Job Description - A draft survey has already been created, and the mailing list has been assembled. The job then would involve mailing the questionnaires, perhaps respond to questions and perhaps follow up with non-responders, probably will not be any as cities are pretty good at responding to FOI requests. Finally, the volunteer would assist in compiling the ranking.

Time Involved – four or five hours over the next three or four months.

Skills required – Basic literacy, and big help if the volunteer has some skills in generating some form of graphic tabulation, though others could be recruited to provide that.

Follow On – This is a single event project but there is a potential for this to evolve into a follow on program if the interest is there to do so.

Rewards – This is a time flexible job, not requiring a huge commitment but could generate outsize benefits.

The Stella's Host Map Project Coordinator.

Project theory - This project is intended to promote Responsible Lighting Practices (RLPs) by bring RLPs to the attention of the state’s outdoor recreation industry and their consumers by listing host businesses who employ RLPs and display ANSA's literature in their facilities to have their properties listed on Stella’s Natural Sky Map and ANSA's Facebook page.  This also builds a business constituency for Natural Sky protection.

Project operation – Host Businesses (cabins, campgrounds, lodges) apply on our website. To participate the facility must be able to provide reasonable visual access to a dark-sky.  Outdoor lighting must conform to designated RLP's, and certain literature must be kept on premises.  Facilities are listed on Stella's Natural Sky Host Map and posts maintained on our Facebook page.

Volunteer Job Description – This job is highly flexible and can tailored to the skills and time resource available.  The component parts would be to field and review applications and help applicants determine compliance, help with an annual survey of participants to assure continued compliance,  disseminate literature as needed to participating businesses, and enter locations on the map.  However, one person need not do all of this.   

Time Involved – This might call for four or five hours to get started.  After that an hour every other week on average would be plenty to sustain this project.

Skills required – Comfortable with a computer, and email.

Follow On – This is an open ended project but it is anticipated that once established the time involved will dwindle into a maintenance process involving a few hours a quarter. 

Rewards – This is a time flexible job, not requiring a huge commitment but could generate outsize benefits and depending on the volunteers approach could leads to having unique connections in the outdoor recreation industry. 

Electric Utilities Ranking Project Volunteer

Project theory - This project is intended to promote Responsible Lighting Practices (RLPs) by bring the issues to the attention of the state’s Electric Utilities and causing them to feel exposed to public scrutiny. Collaterally, to the extent that we can generate publicity for the project, it will serve to educate the public.

Project operation – The concept is to mail a survey out to the State’s Electric Utilities, probably starting with co-ops and later, municipal utilities and finally publicly owned ones. Responses would be used to rank the respondents. The results would be published on our website and distributed to appropriate media in hopes that it might get published. The program is worth doing even if we don’t succeed in the media effort as it will require each utility to review its operations against the laundry list of action items set forth in the questionnaire built around a six step process to Utility RLPs.

Volunteer Job Description - A draft of the six steps to RLPs has already been created.  This will need to be turned into a questionnaire. The job then would involve compiling a mailing list, mailing the questionnaires, and perhaps respond to questions and follow up with non-responders.  Finally, the volunteer would assist in compiling the ranking and enter utility contacts in our database. 

Alternatively, rather than mail the survey it might be that we rely upon customer volunteers to obtain the information.  In that case the Coordinator would work with those volunteers.  

Time Involved – five or six hours over the next three or four months.

Skills required – Basic literacy and organizational skills.

Follow On – This is a single event project with the co-ops, but there is a potential for this to evolve into a follow on program with different sets of utilities. 

Rewards – This is a time flexible job, not requiring a huge commitment but could generate outsize benefits.


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